
I’m a machine learning engineer at a global media company, working on predictive modeling, advanced analytics, and deep learning to solve all the world-class business problems.

Strong background in numerical computation, machine learning, deep learning, neural network, big data mining, and visualization, multiple programming.

Hands-on experience in big data platform with TensorFlow, Hadoop, Spark, D3, AWS and Aliyun for scalable data mining and visualization.

Deep technical insights and domain knowledge in designing algorithms and building quantitative and predictive models for engineer/system optimization.

Designed and implemented full-cycle software product for operating ocean forecasting systems to deliver ocean weather-related products including hurricane-induced storm surge forecasts.

Also Mentoring students on advanced machine learning career track for Springboard.

Or check out my LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liangkuang

Some of my primary public sites:

GitHub: https://github.com/eulertech

Forecast System: www.euler-tech.com

SmartOcean: http://www.smartocean.xyz

RPubs: http://rpubs.com/euler-tech

React App  (selected):


contact: kuangliangj AT gmail